
Integrative & Somatic Therapy

Learn to listen to your body, release stored tension, and foster a deeper understanding of yourself, promoting overall well-being and healing.

My work is guided by the belief that the body's movement, breath, and sensation can aid in the process of healing.

Each individual responds uniquely to therapeutic techniques. Combining top-down and bottom-up methods ensures a tailored approach, meeting my clients where they are in their healing journey.

Who Is Somatic Therapy For?

For anyone who has experienced a disruption in their body-mind's ability to adapt, thrive, and flourish. You may or may not experience symptoms including:

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, tightness in the body, muscle tension, digestion challenges, and constrictions around the breath. 

  • Emotional symptoms such as flatness/inability to feel, fear, anxiety, panic, overwhelm, loss of choice, difficulty feeling comforted, anger, and shame.

  • Psychological symptoms such as dissociation, mental rumination, low self-worth,  negative self-talk, self-blame, memory challenges, depression, and loss of interest in activities. 

  • Relational / Social symptoms such as isolation, loneliness, relational and attachment reenactments. 

You will be provided with techniques to help you become more aware of and regulate your body and state of being. These techniques will involve building internal and external resources, developing trusting relationships, learning to turn inward with compassion, being encouraged to explore your body more deeply, and being given the necessary time and space to process any past traumas.

What To Expect From A Session

You will learn techniques to become more aware of and regulate your body and state of being. These techniques include building more internal and external resources, developing trusting relationships, learning to turn inward with compassion, being invited to explore your body on a deeper level, and being given time and space to process trauma.

How These Sessions Can Help You

Somatic Trauma Therapy can help you to:

  • Restore the body as a place of safety while growing your capacity to process bodily memory

  • Work through unprocessed emotions

  • Complete incomplete stress responses

  • Restore an optimal relationship to yourself and the world around you

There are many reasons why people choose to undergo counselling and psychotherapy. Some may seek professional help to understand their problems better and find solutions, while others may want a safe space to share their concerns that they may not feel comfortable discussing with their loved ones. Additionally, counselling and psychotherapy can offer individuals a sense of validation and acceptance and help them build on their strengths and reconnect with themselves and the world around them.

Get in touch today to begin your healing journey.